Saturday, April 18, 2009

UT Vet School Open House

Our trip to the UT Vet School today for the annual Open House was amazing! I expected to see some horses and dogs, maybe a cat or two, but what we saw truly exceeded all our expectations! The most amazing (and unsettling!) area was the anatomy room, a huge room filled with all kinds of animal body parts. I have always been squeamish around this sort of stuff, but I was trying really to be the "cool" mom - it didn't really work! I didn't touch anything and you could hear my upset stomach rumbling when we saw the two-headed calf, the many hearts and intestines, paws of varying shapes and sizes, and miscellaneous other internal organs! Bailey was very interested, though, and I pray she is never as squeamish as I am!!

My favorite animals were the dogs and the two giant bunnies we saw. There were also eagles and hawks (impressive!); parrots and cockatoos; a pile of baby possums; three adoptable ferrets (right . . .); and a lion. Oh, yes, you read correctly, a sick and sedated lion rode by us on his way to have several tests run. Apparently, there is something wrong with his brain. We weren't there long enough to get an update on him but, suffice it to say, that it was more than amazing to watch this giant animal be wheeled by on a gurney. We hope he's OK! It was a beautiful day and we had a blast at the vet school. Perhaps Bailey will go on to be a veterinarian . . . :o)

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About Me

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I am a stay-at-home mom, Starbucks lover, and paper fanatic! I have been married to my sweet husband for almost 22 years (YIKES!) and we have two beautiful daughters: 16-year-old Bailey (who's driving!!) and 6-year-old Morgan (who's in kindergarten!). My life is richly blessed!