Saturday, October 4, 2008

If friends were noses, I'd pick YOU!

Yep, that's our precious little girl! We had the best time last night when we went downtown for the evening. We had a delicious dinner at the Downtown Grill & Brewery, and then we went to bliss home for an art show featuring the husband of one of the second grade teachers at Shannondale. It was really cool! Bailey loved seeing so many teachers outside of school! This picture was taken at the man in the rowboat off Gay Street. There are so many cool shops downtown and we went to almost all of them. It was a great family night out!

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About Me

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I am a stay-at-home mom, Starbucks lover, and paper fanatic! I have been married to my sweet husband for almost 22 years (YIKES!) and we have two beautiful daughters: 16-year-old Bailey (who's driving!!) and 6-year-old Morgan (who's in kindergarten!). My life is richly blessed!